Even though it can be expensive, February is still one of my favorite months. Here are three reasons why:
>Classroom Valentine's Day cards are exchanged in February - as a kid, I used to love to exchange these cards with my classmates and as an adult, I still like to give them out to my friends. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, and often with goodies attached, such as candy, stickers, or tattoos. What type of classroom Valentine's Day card would I like to receive? A garden themed card with a packet of seeds attached would be awesome!
>My birthday is in February - actually, I was born the day before Valentine's Day, so over the years I've received many Valentine's Day themed presents from family and friends. In fact, I have collected so many gifts - hearts, cherubs, bears, and roses just to name a few - I'll never have to buy another Valentine's decoration, ever.
>February is a short month - there are twenty-eight days in February (twenty-nine when it is a Leap Year), which makes it the shortest month of the year. And once February is over, we transition into March, and March means we are closer to Spring, and Spring means we are closer to getting outside to work in our gardens!
So, there you have it. Three things I love about February. How about you? What are some of your favorite things about this short but heart-felt month?