Friday, January 31, 2020

New Garden Smell

New garden smell is to the gardener what new car smell is to the person driving off the lot in a vehicle recently saturated with Armor All and a pine tree air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. It's exciting, a little heady, and it nourishes the soul in a way only those who garden can understand. So, as Spring swiftly approaches, get yourself geared up for gardening and that new garden smell!

Friday, January 24, 2020

To Answer Your Question

When people ask me why I invest so much time and energy into gardening, I try to provide a diplomatic response. Something along the lines of " I like plants and flowers" or "I come from a gardening family."  A standard answer to a basic question.

However, what I really want to say is: "I get to do this! I get to go outside, run my hands in the dirt, feel the warmth of the sun on my face, and a  hint of wind in my hair. I get to visit with butterflies and worms and birds, oh my! I get to connect with a community of folks who share my passion for planting a seed and watching it grow. And I get to learn something new every day.

So why gardening you ask? Why not!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Positive Advertising

Do you ever get tired of the busyness in your day-to-day life? Do you often find yourself overtaken with the stress of always having something to do, somewhere to go, someone to talk to? Tired of endless text messages, emails, and Facebook posts that constantly demand your attention?

Peace and quiet . . . coming this Spring to a garden near you!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Paper People

We've had a lot of rain lately. So much in fact that I've had to, on more than one occasion, stuff the toes of my running shoes with crumpled newspapers to dry them out.

The other day while pulling a wad of paper from one of my shoes, this thought crossed my mind:  there are paper people in my running shoes. People from different places, caught in different moments in time, all with stories that may be similar or different from mine. How many of those people are or were gardeners? I have no idea. I hope all of them, but in reality it is probably only a few. There's no way to know now that the headlines are smudged and the stories have faded.

If one day I'm a paper person, stuffed in a shoe, I hope my persona will be that of a happy gardener. I'd like to be remembered that way.