Ever do something before you were actually supposed to, just because you couldn't wait until the appointed date and time to do said thing? For example, perhaps you opened a Christmas present early, bought those new shoes before the sale started, or snuck in a bite or two of dessert before dinner.
If we're honest, most of us have put the cart before the horse, counted our chickens before they hatched, or been faster than our shadow on more than one occasion. This past Monday was such a moment for me.
My morning started out as most of my mornings do. I got up, went running, took my shower, and started working on my short list of chores. The air was chilly when I stepped out on the back porch, but the sun was already shining brightly with a promise of warmer temperatures as the day progressed.
As I walked over to water the dogs, I noticed a patch of high grass nestled up against the house. While waiting for the bowl to fill I scanned the backyard for overgrown grass clumps and within thirty seconds, I identified at least ten thriving patches of field grass and clover. Suddenly, my palms became sweaty, and my face wrinkled up like a raisin.
Then the self-talk started - "the first day of Spring is March 19th" along with "gardeners in your growing zone will not start working on their lawns until temperatures are a little more consistent, so chill out." And last but certainly not least - "what will the neighbors think?"
Well, try as I might, I could not fight the urge to fix what I felt was an early injustice in the growing season. Neighbors and zones be darned! I quickly stepped back inside, pulled on my rubber gardening boots, walked to the garage, grabbed my equipment and started cutting down the wads of weeds. Once finished, I used the leaf blower to clear the sidewalk of any incriminating evidence. Then, I happily put my gardening tools away and went inside.
And the best part? I had not cheated myself out of additional workdays in the spring. Weeds, after all, are a gift that keeps on giving.
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