Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Benefits of Planning

My mother-in-law used to say there was nothing I couldn't make into a decoration and hang on the wall. Although I've learned over the years that less is more when it comes to wall decor (and mother-in-laws!), I still consider myself a reasonably creative person.

In regard to gardening, I have a lot of ideas and things I aspire to do. For example, I want to harvest flower and vegetable seeds for next year's garden, plant an orchard behind the house, build a few bird feeders, put in a rock garden, put up a greenhouse, plant some bushes, and get serious about starting a compost pile. I think about these projects often -- when I'm writing, running, doing dishes and as I'm driving down the road looking at houses, yards and other peoples' gardens.

Despite my best efforts, there is one important thing missing from this long list -- organization. In other words, I need a plan. Rather than constantly thinking about a bunch of things I would like to do, I need to gather materials (rocks, seeds, dirt, etc.) and start working on a few tasks at a time. Once completed, I can start working on a couple more projects, and so on and so forth. Planning is essential for anyone who wants to become a successful gardener. And by successful, I mean not only productive, but contented.

When you have a plan, you'll feel better about the things you have accomplished, and less stressed in regard to the things you still need or want to do. Also, you will have more time to actually enjoy what you've created.