Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Vapor rub is a wonderful, multipurpose product. It can be spread on the chest to quiet a cough, massaged into muscles to relieve soreness, and is frequently used in conjunction with a vaporizer to clear a congested nose. I have friends who swear they apply it to their feet when they are sick for quicker healing, and I read it can be used to fade stretchmarks, repel bugs, and cure nail fungus. I've also been told my grandfather often rubbed it around his eyes to help him sleep better. And on a personal but somewhat gross note, I used to beg my mother to let me taste it because it smelled so good. One jar~ one product~ many uses.

My garden is a wonderful, multipurpose place. It quiets my nerves, clears my head when I'm confused, and cheers me up when I am sad. Spending time there produces sore muscles, makes me sneeze, and the dirt that I walk on frequently sticks to my shoes. Digging in this dirt, however, helps me sleep better at night, and most of what I grow smells and tastes good. I used to watch my grandmother work in her garden, and on a personal note, I aspire to be just like her. Moreover, my mother gets a kick out of hearing me talk about the vegetables and flowers I grow. One garden~ one spot~ many benefits.

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